You can make furniture flipping a full-time, profitable business without sacrificing work-life balance.

Learn how to build your business, market your brand, maximize your profits, and SCALE your offerings from experts who have "been there-done that" and perfected the processes so you don't have to.


The Furniture Flipping Academy

Ready to try out your flipping skills, but not sure where to begin?

The Academy will teach you everything you need to know to create a business and grow your sales. It will also show you how to create additional income streams so you can be making money while you sleep!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Start your own business from the ground up
  • Market to your specific audience
  • Use social media for business
  • Communicate with customers
  • Keep up to date with the market
  • Increase your profit margins

There is an entire market of people looking for your work. Let's help them find you!

What's Included In The Academy?

The academy has 20+ years of my expertise and 10+ years of knowledge from other expert furniture flippers, past students, and resources created to help accelerate your progress. 

The Course

The Furniture Flipping Academy is a program that teaches people how to buy used furniture, restore it, and sell it for a profit. The program offers online training and resources on how to find the right furniture pieces to flip, how to restore them, and how to sell them for a profit.

Some of the topics we cover are:

  • Introduction to Furniture Flipping
  • Tools & Materials
  • Furniture Selection
  • Preparation & Repairs
  • Painting & Finishing
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Business Essentials
  • Community Building
  • Expert Techniques & Tips


This community isn't just a group of flippers talking about making money and sharing dreams. It's a place for motivated flippers who are actively working to grow their businesses.

While we provide the platform, this space is for you to connect, share, and support each other as you take your business to the next level.

What's included:

  • Supportive Community:  Connect with fellow members to share ideas, advice, and feedback. This is your space for encouragement and accountability.
  • Collaborations:  Partner on projects, share resources, and leverage each other's expertise.
  • Growth: Develop new skills, refine your style, and expand your network.

What Would $675 PROFIT Mean To Your Family Next Month?

Using the information outlined in this course, I am able to CONSISTANTLY flip pieces for a profit.
If I can do it, SO CAN YOU! - Sarah H.

The Furniture Flipping Academy Community Experience:

I love having somewhere to go when I have a question and to get business advice!!

This community has been such a great resource. - Karen R.

I joined so that I can learn and have a mentor.
I could join other groups and get answers from lots of people, but I'm willing to pay for expert guidance and not have to question the advice I am being given. - Monica B.

I've been painting for almost 10 years now and never get tired 😴 of it. I joined this group as I recently left my stressful job and am looking for support in growing my business and finding like-minded friends along the way!!

Scared as heck!!!

But excited at the same time!!

Lindsay and the Creative team are AWESOME 💕 - Amy R.

I love this group! Lindsay always has the answer and if she doesn’t she’ll get it for you or the group will have input.

The best part about this group is that I am staying motivated to keep working towards my goal of finding pieces for my home to redo or to sell!
It has encouraged me to look differently at pieces at the thrift store to see what I can do with them to fit my home. - Elizabeth J.

It’s nice being in a community that gets you.  🙂

I found Lindsay on a podcast while my husband was away.

I listened to every episode.

She had me hooked from the start.

Glad to be here as well. - Kristi Ragni

I started painting furniture when I wanted new bedroom furniture but didn’t want to fork out thousands of dollars.

So, I decided to paint my set and totally fell in love with painting.

I then started to sell it on the side.

It’s been so fun and rewarding.

I joined the flipping academy to improve my skills as well as be part of an amazing community.

I love it, the community is the best! - Amanda W.

The Academy Is Designed for Flippers Who:

  • Want to Build a Profitable Business
  • Are Eager to Learn & Grow
  • Want Access to Industry Experts or Mentors
  • Seek Community and Support
  • Value Flexibility and Independence
  • Want Opportunities for Collaboration
  • Need Entrepreneurial Guidance
  • Want Additional Income
  • Are Looking for Networking Opportunities
  • Want Exclusive Perks & Resources

What the Community is Sharing:

"All sold within the same week!! Yippee. The blue dresser took 3 weeks to sell. The others about 2. I did lower the price of the blue dresser because I needed it gone. Now on to others." - Amanda W.

"Finished these pieces this week… still not happy with the staging… but working on it 💕" - Amy R.

"Piece is complete! Bran spanking new to this furniture flipping. How would you price it? Any suggestions welcomed!" - Kristin R.

"Sold this little side table 9 minutes after posting today. THAT was exciting 😀" - Amy R.

"The photo I'm sharing is of the first piece I flipped for income. Bought for $9. Sold for $80. My friends said I didn't charge enough. I am a real estate agent and would like for this to become my side gig. I truly enjoy this so it would never be work to me. I really look forward to learning from all of you!" - Tracy W.

"Just a little before and after !!" - Kelly S.

"Remember the desk I asked for help with? The pine was very orange and coming through the stain. Here she is! This girl challenged me in every way, however I learned Lot about pine, stains, mixing stains, using shellac and just going with the process. I think this is my best transformation to date! What do you all think?" - Tricia S.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Furniture Flipping Academy

  • Welcome & Overview
  • Brief Introduction to Furniture Flipping
  • Setting Yourself Up For Success 

Module 1: Getting Started

  • Types of Paint, Finishes, & Other Materials
  • Tools & Materials
  • Basic Tools Needed For Furniture Flipping
  • Workspace Setup
  • Safety Considerations

Module 2: Furniture Selection

  • Sourcing Furniture
  • Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, & Online Marketplaces
  • Assessing the Quality & Potential of Furniture Pieces
  • Design & Style Considerations

Module 3: Preparation & Repairs

  • Surface Preparation
  • Structural Repairs

Module 4: Painting & Finishing

  • Techniques For Painting
  • Finishing Touches
  • Staging

Module 5: Marketing

  • Creating A Brand
  • Building an Online Presence 
  • Navigating Social Media
  • Creating Content
  • Meta Business Suite

Module 6: Selling

  • Pricing & Selling Strategies
  • Online Marketplaces, Local Sales, & Collaborations
  • Etsy Breakdown
  • Shipping
  • Communicating With Customers

Module 7: Community Building

  • Media Kits / Deliverables (Rate Card)
  • Collaborations & Partnerships
  • Networking With Other Flippers
  • Hosting Workshops & Events
  • Amazon Affiliate Program & Influencer Program
  • Starting a Blog
  • Starting a YouTube Channel

BONUS: Expert Techniques & Tips Videos


For Just


  • The Course
  • The Community
  • Done-For-You Business Templates
  • Done-For-You Professional Branding Templates
  • Done-For-You Social Media Content
  • Expert Techniques and Tips Videos
  • Mobile App Access
  • Regular Updates
  • Dedicated Support
  • Collaboration Opportunities

Total Value: $3,997

This Total Includes: 2+ Years of Guest Expert Tutorials | Multiple Furniture Flipping Courses | Private Community | Printables | DFY Business Templates | DFY Professional Branding Templates | Dedicated Support |  24/7 Access | Mobile App Access | All Future Updates.


If you have any questions or issues signing up. Please reach out to us at [email protected]om

Cost Breakdown

Consider this when you are questioning if you can afford this course.

Daily Cost:
$0.68 a day for 1 year.

Instead of stopping at the coffee shop AND buying the cake pop to go with your drink, enjoy your drink but skip the add-on to pay for the course.

Weekly Cost:
$4.75 a week for 52 weeks.

Cut $5.00 out of your grocery bill each month. Skip the snack aisle or replace the name brands with generic ones to make up the cost.

Monthly Cost: 
$20.59 a month for 12 months

Don't go out to dinner just ONCE a month so you can invest in the course that will make you money instead.


Now let's talk about how this course can MAKE you money:

  • On average, when you are starting out, you can make $40 - $200 PROFIT on a typical flip.
  • On average, you can make roughly $100 - $1,000 a month in affiliate income CONSISTENTLY.
  • On average, you can make $1,000 - $10,000 in brand partnerships/sponsorship deals monthly.
  • On average, you can make anywhere from $100 - $10,000 a month from selling a course/coaching program.

**These numbers are based on statistics of past furniture flippers and the income they shared with us. These numbers are not a guarantee nor a limit of what you can make.**


I'm Lindsay Eidahl

After learning how to decorate our first home on a budget, I realized that I could create a steady income source by flipping furniture. 

I never expected it to turn into a full-time income that would help us become debt-free, but it has done that and so much more! 

Now, I use what I've learned to help people just like you grow their furniture-flipping business beyond what they could imagine.

There is so much more to flipping furniture than just applying paint to a dresser.

I didn't know that when I started but when I discovered it, it catapulted my income and business in so many ways. 

I don't want one furniture flipper to waste time figuring it out the long way like I had to.

I started The Creative Squad so I could offer one-on-one guidance to flippers and quickly realized that you needed more!

With the support of a community, video tutorials, templates, and worksheets, I was able to create a TOTAL PACKAGE for furniture flippers, and that how is the Furniture Flipping Academy started!

I am passionate about helping as many furniture flippers as I can make more money, take back their time, set up their business right from the start, and grow a community with endless opportunities.

Because there is so much more to furniture flipping than just flipping furniture. 

I did it and you can too.

Let's do it together!

- Lindsay Eidahl


Common Questions:

The Furniture Flipping Academy Course Feedback:

"Lindsay has created the most comprehensive course when it comes to flipping furniture!

The best part? It was created with every little detail in mind from finding your first piece to choosing the best colors to finish touches to staging and selling!

No aspect has been left out. Not only does she lay it all out there for you, but she has created wonderful worksheets to keep you organized and on track to reach your goals!

So, to the person who just wants to paint a few things for themselves, to the entrepreneur that wants to develop a thriving business, to everyone in between—this course is for you!

With lifetime access, you go at your own pace, on your own time.

You will absolutely love this course—and Lindsay!

Snag this course and get to flipping furniture successfully today!🎨"

- Alissa C.

"Good motivation to set my goals and "why" I'm doing this.

I would normally be one of the ones to skip this as all of these are already floating around in my brain and have been for years. But thank you, as your excitement about the importance of doing this has really driven this point home.

As I said, it's all floating around my brain, but you're right, if I don't focus then pieces may just float away.

Plus, I'm paying for this so I want to get every bit of benefit out of this that I can.

So I've watched it to get an overview, and will re-watch it and list everything that you said to list.

If I were to skip pieces of this course and subsequently fail, we'll then that's on me.

- I'm ready to do this the RIGHT way!"

- Elizabeth P.

"Even though I have no intention of starting my own business, right now anyway, I have had many takeaways and I haven’t even completed the course yet!

Love all the downloads she provides as well as the editable worksheets.

If you’re like me, you probably appreciate short, yet informative videos.

Lindsay gets right to the point.

I took one of her suggestions, which was reaching out to businesses, and I was rewarded with discount codes.

The price of her course is too good not to take advantage of and learn from the knowledge she has."

- Penny G.

"The workspace section I think is unique and a great addition because I think it's also what people get hung up on the most.

- it's a tough thing especially since sometimes pieces are big and it's like 'Well where can I do this' - understanding that and not being intimidated by it is important.

I think even I needed to hear that even though I have the space.

It's all about the planning."

- Tiffany

"I joined so that I can learn and have a mentor.

I could join other groups and get answers from lots of people, but I'm willing to pay for expert guidance and not have to question the advice I am being given.

I enjoy the guest spotlights higher level techniques and skills.

Also, being able to get answers directly from experts is a huge bonus. "

- Monica B.

"I am so excited for this course!

I love that I’m able to do this at my own pace.

The worksheets are awesome!

Actually having to write down my GOALS & my WHY & then having them visible is a great way to keep me motivated.

I have been flipping furniture & decor items for 10 years now, but never really knew how to take my furniture flipping from a hobby to a business.

I have quite the “stash” that needs to be flipped & sold, so I can’t wait to learn more. "

- Erica P.

"I have used the same paint brand for three years, and didn't even consider trying something else.

This would be fun to give another paint brand a try.

Also, id love to be a paint retailer and just didn't even think this was an option.

You are expanding my world in this field, and its exactly what I was hoping for! "

- Tina M.

"The way you discuss haggling! I love it.

I am so afraid to hurt feelings or lowball someone so this one really hit home for me!

If you don't ASK, you don't KNOW.

Thank you so much for adding this.

I also love the information about where you will find the most success and how to do it."

- Lisa T.

"The research tools are AMAZING!

I think this goes unnoticed and people get discouraged for the wrong reasons.

Often we find ourselves complaining about things not selling or having to lower the price, but we didn't do the research to begin with.

EVERYONE needs to watch this section more than once!"

- Katie 

"The best part about this course is that I am staying motivated to keep working towards my goal of finding pieces for my home to redo or sell!

It has encouraged me to look differently at pieces at the thrift store to see what I can do with them to fit my home."

- Elizabeth J.

"I already knew quite a bit of what you shared but it helps my confidence to know that I'm not starting from zero.

I appreciate your tips and product recommendations.

Even your tip to cut up old towels and t-shirts to use for cleaning was so helpful!

Why didn't I think of that?

I'm enjoying the course!"

- Laura M.

"The goal-setting section of this course is SO important. It's often overlooked which is unfortunate.

Setting those goals and having them visible to help remind you of your 'why' and your 'end game' is important for motivation and ultimate success."

- Vanessa

"The social media planner has great ideas when I'm stumped for something to post!!

I also really love the custom work forms!"

- Karen R.

"Both the research and haggling section are what I think are both critical in the success of any student taking the course and will be the first thing that I start working on for sure."

- Sue M.

"Lindsay, I bought your course and have watched it in its entirety. GREAT info and instructions.
I'm ready to invest in myself and my business, I am looking into the Surfprep sander you recommend."

- Julie S. 

On The Fence?

Not sure if the Furniture Flipping Academy is the right fit for you?

Don't Wait!

Check out the Furniture Flipping Acadmey Sneak Peek NOW so you can get a look inside!

The Sneak Peek gives you 5 days access to portions of the FFA. 

Get the Sneak Peek

Community Highlight:

I want to introduce you to Amanda!

Amanda joined the Academy just 5 months ago and she has had amazing success in her business.


My name is Amanda Weinraub, owner of Clove and Honey Designs.

I am a part-time (almost full-time) furniture artist and painter with dreams of making this into a full-time income.

It all started for me when I wanted new bedroom furniture back in 2021.

But new furniture was not in the budget.

So, I decided to start researching how to paint furniture.

It turned out amazing and I was in love.

I then started buying small pieces on Facebook Marketplace to paint and flip for a profit.

I sold my first set of nightstands within hours of listing it and let’s just say I was completely hooked.

I love design, decorating, and taking something old/ugly and giving it new life again.

This was the beginning of a passion for me.

I also quickly learned there is so much to learn.

You need to learn how to properly paint furniture that is profitable as well as all the ins and outs of making this a business.

That’s when I found the Flipping Academy and Lindsay on Instagram.

I had been following her My Creative Days account and started seeing posts about the Academy.

I watched and watched from afar and then decided to take the leap.

I am so glad I did.

It’s been worth every penny.

I’ve learned so much and now have an amazing community as well as a support system that I can count on whenever I need it.

Here's a look at how things have changed for me since joining the Academy:

I’ve learned how to choose the right pieces, fix them up, and flip them - making 4-5 times my investment into each piece. (This July I made $2,000.00 just flipping two pieces of furniture.)
As my confidence has grown, so has my income flipping furniture.
I started my own YouTube channel.
I have grown quite a bit on social media also.
I now have 5,000 followers on Instagram and I went viral on Facebook, which was absolutely crazy.

I grew from 700 followers to over 25,000 on Facebook in just days.

It was amazing.

Many of my new followers started asking me how to paint their own furniture and that began a whole new level of my business, which I hadn’t even imagined.

Now I am creating more content, teaching classes to newbies on how they can paint their own furniture, and just recently became an online retailer for Wise Owl Paint.

I also have an Amazon storefront and I am starting to earn commissions from that.

The Academy opened my eyes to all the ways you can earn income in this business.

You don’t have to just earn income from your furniture flips.

You can earn it in all kinds of ways and you can do whatever you want. 

So, if you are thinking about joining, go for it!

You will love the education videos, community, and additional support you receive from Lindsay.

It’s really built my confidence when I didn’t have any. 

Thank you so much Flipping Academy for your support, guidance, and knowledge.

It’s truly helping me realize my dreams of becoming a full-time furniture artist, painter, teacher, and content creator.Â